Sunday 24 October, 2021 | 15:00

Ralph Towner: classical guitar;


Ralph Towner has developed, in his career, the role of guitar soloist in an absolutely original way. His education as a pianist led him to a unique approach in terms of guitar technique, despite the classical curriculum which took place during the Sixties in Vienna. By his own admission, in fact, he uses the instrument as if it were a piano, often acting on the keyboard with both hands and anticipating that type of fingering that would be further deepened by Stanley Jordan. “The piano brings me inspiration for the guitar and vice versa,” explains the musician. In the guitar solo, often also developed on the twelve strings, Towner highlights not only the brilliant technique and superlative control of the instrument, but also his compositional ability developed on the margins of jazz, far from any cliché and static formulas, in open inspiration drawn from the most diverse cultures. An artist of rare virtuosity and creativity, but able to enchant the public with compositions rich in extraordinary lyricism and melodiousness.

Jazz&Wine of Peace 2021


Info and presales:
ticket@controtempo.org / + 39 351 6112644


Event Information


Price: 20 €


Vila Vipolže

Vila Vipolže, Vipolže, Dobrovo v Brdih, Slovenia