

The festival Specchi di confine | Zrcala meje explores the concept of the border in an area where the two cities observe, reflect and recognise each other. The events on offer aim to create opportunities for encounters on the border, a dialogue possible thanks to the shared local culture: from music and art to the wine and culinary excellence of Collio, Brda and the surrounding area. It meets with the historic festival Glasbe Sveta | Musiche dal Mondo (Music from the World), which crosses the territory of Gorizia and Nova Gorica, celebrating the partnership between the two border towns.

Festival Specchi di confine | Zrcala meje odpira vprašanje dojemanja meje na območju, kjer se stikata, spoznavata in dopolnjujeta dve med sabo povezani mesti. Festivalski dogodki nudijo priložnost za tkanje stikov in gojenje čezmejnega dialoga skozi lokalno kulturno ponudbo: od glasbe in umetnosti do vinske ponudbe ter kulinaričnih dobrot Collia, Goriških brd in okolice.
Festival nastaja v partnerstvu z dolgoletnim čezmejnim festivalom Glasbe sveta | Musiche dal mondo, ki se odvija na območju Gorice in Nove Gorice ter slavi partnerstvo med obmejnima mestoma.

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Sat 13 July, 2024 | 21:00
Gostilna Lokve

Thu 25 July, 2024 | 19:00
Ex Ferramenta Krainer

Fri 26 July, 2024 | 19:00
Ex Ferramenta Krainer

Sun 28 July, 2024 | 11:00
Villa de Nordis

Fri 18 October, 2024 | 18:00
Kulturni dom Grgar

Mon 21 October, 2024 | 18:00
Knjigarna kavarna Maks

Sun 27 October, 2024 | 12:00