Friday 25 October, 2024 | 21:30

Ndoho Ange: dance, spoken words
Thomas De Pourquery: tenor sax, vocals
Jamie Saft: piano, keyboard, Fender Rhodes
Pasquale Mirra: vibraphone, percussion, electronic
Joshua Abrams: double bass, Guembri
Hamid Drake: drums, percussion, vocals 

A tribute to the legendary Alice Coltrane, pianist, organist, composer, and visionary spiritual guide. Hamid Drake, who met Alice Coltrane at the age of 16, was profoundly influenced by her creative and spiritual openness. For this tribute concert, Drake will be accompanied by an ensemble of international musicians, reflecting the universalistic musical approach that both he and Alice Coltrane have embraced. 

Jazz&Wine of Peace 2024


Purchase of Festival Pass
www.vivaticket.it and vivaticket points of sale


Event Information


Price: 25 €


Teatro Comunale di Cormòns

Teatro Comunale di Cormons - Artisti Associati, Via Nazario Sauro, Cormons, GO, Italia